Working with Brands | VAT/DUTY

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Working with Brands


Our experience and knowledge of FAST FASHION and BRAND AWARENESS has been essential to the growth of our Import Air and Sea business.

As UK brands evolve, we tailor a service that can be the basics of shipping from A to B, to setting up warehousing, processing and distribution for established brands looking to re-model or start up Brands looking to break into the Fashion/Retail market.

We can provide added services such as Quality Control, Bonded Warehousing, Stock Control, Returns, Financing and Copyright



Since “BREXIT” there have been significant changes with the UK Customs Clearance process, introduction of CDS and indirect representation for Amazon/FBA/E-commerce business. Many Importers have lost out or continue to lose out on paying unnecessary DUTY/VAT and “DISBURSEMENT FEES” especially when using DHL/FEDEX/UPS.

As these amounts tend to be small and advice for reclaiming seemingly difficult to find with 3 rd Party Carriers, HERITAGE offer a “Post Entry Service”. Importers looking to reclaim DUTY paid in error can come to us knowing that based on the correct document presentation, HERITAGE can quickly process a 3 rd Party reclaim within 30 days going back 24 months.

Whilst this isn’t a new service, it’s one that has become a huge issue for Importers especially from the EU & Turkey or areas where the
UK Government has established Trade Agreements. We have a DEPARTMENT
dedicated to help you reclaim this money.

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